Snapshots of Mumbai is a collaboration between myself and writer Ed King.
Snapshots of Mumbai is part of a larger project that features books and exhibitions that describe and illustrate our journeys through a selection of locations in the world.
The first project is ‘Snapshots of Mumbai’
“Mumbai, India’s economic heart and international blueprint. The world watches. We see only snapshots.”
Here is an excerpt from the exhibition part of the project:
“This is the glove box of a taxi driver who worked outside our hotel. He looked after us like an uncle, ferrying us from midday to midnight and always off meter.
The shot was taken whilst he was outside the cab being interrogated by police. They flagged him over on our way back to the Gateway, apparently a routine occurrence that would result in baksheesh. A daily expense for Mumbai’s black and yellows.
He was an incredibly kind man, wise to a fault on the city, having moved to Mumbai in the days before partition. He’s witnessed firsthand all the significant changes I now learn about in books. Inside his head is part of the Mumbai I’m now exploring. But like an old TDK in an MP3 city, running out of relevance to most people he meets.”
The first book is currently in the last stages of editing / production and should be released this year.
To find out more about this first project and to read excerpts from the book, please visit the ‘Snapshots of Mumbai website here
For more of my travel photography work click here